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A dependable partner of Soc ial Economy Korea Social Enterprise Promotion Agency


The social economy is here for you.

The social economy is a human-centered economy to ensure a better, brighter future through transformation and innovation.

KoSEA is here for the social economy.

Korea Social Enterprise Promotion Agency is dedicated to being a true partner for the social economy, bringing greater hope to our society.

The driving force for inclusive growth, a trusted companion for social economy enterprises.

KoSEA is a public institution under the Ministry of Employment and Labor and was established in December 2010 pursuant to Article 20 of the Social Enterprise Promotion Act.

With the aim of laying a foundation for growth and independence of the social economy, KoSEA assists social economy enterprises with commercialization, provides consulting and supports the development and operation of social economy networks.

KoSEA helps social economy enterprises to grow in stability and helps create a sound social economy ecosystem, thereby infusing hope into society.

KoSEA is committed to serving as a channel of communication for all interested parties, an active champion of community-centered ecosystems and an all-round supporter that links policy with practice.

To integrate society and improve quality of life through a stronger social economy.
To provide professional, integrated support in creating a virtuous social economy ecosystem.